How to convert more leads to sales, you wonder? Don’t be too quick to assume successful lead conversion based on the lead giver’s goodwill with the lead. To begin with, a lead is a potential sale, not an automatic one. In fact, even a hot lead, is not an automatic one. A lead can be
Sellers find processes boring and unnecessary, to their detriment. Yet, as a buyer, do you really want to understand the buying process before you buy? Confused? Read on To begin with, selling is results oriented; buying is process oriented. So? Not understanding this difference may ruin relationships and delay completing the sale (closing). Here are
The knee-jerk diversification plans from Kenya Power losses is a Hail Mary. Just as Posta’s idea to venture into PSV. To begin with, you know you don’t have a sales problem when you are a monopoly, selling an indispensable product and you still make losses. You also don’t have a sales problem when you go
How to bypass gate keepers in something to take in your sales stride. Many times gate keepers will facilitate, not frustrate, the sale. “The askari doesn’t let me in. How do I avoid the nurse? The secretary prevents me from reaching the buyer. “ All these are lamentations many sellers have of gate keepers. Gate
It’s not the voter but the vote counter that matters… The CFO has no desire to insist that your PDQ be the one to be used. He doesn’t care. Be discerning of where the actual sale happens and sell there too. Let not your mingling with executive power cloud your judgment. Simply because the bosses
#Alwayspads, #annexcrimescene, #JacarandaHOtel
Decision making, Gifts & merchandise, Managing Sales Process
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. Men, you are duly warned. On Valentine’s Day the colour red means the exact opposite of danger; it means safety, love. Then again it means danger for the hapless husband or boyfriend that forgets it! To date, men, still wonder, ‘Why is Valentine’s Day celebrated?’ Valentine’s Day makes a curious study
This dilemma replicates itself in business-to-business (B2B) selling. The assumption, for instance, that a nod from the Managing Director will automatically open all doors to the purchase of your solar panels, is a fallacy. ‘Do you want to speak to the man of the house, or the woman in charge?’ So I once read on
“Nairobi Women’s Hospital scandal is reminiscent of Wells Fargo. Because all the greedy bank wanted was accounts, the salespeople went into survival mode, forging customer signatures.” To begin with, what does Nairobi Women’s Hospital (NWH) have in common with Wells Fargo and Microsoft in the United States? Proof that when you run a business like
When calendars were still in vogue, the more desks and walls that had them, the more the client knew his investment in free advertising had paid off. Yes, it’s not a gift he is giving you-it’s adverting material he is distributing through you. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Clients and employers
Say just enough to close the sale. If the decision makers are ready to make a commitment, let them commit! Get out of their way. Make this your sales new year resolution. You can thank me later. When a girl says, “Would you like to kiss me?” it’s not a question. It’s an invitation for