From abductions, extrajudicial killings, unleashing destructive ‘Goon Z’ to criminalize peaceful Gen Z protests, and launching fake projects, to, now, playing Tom trying to nab Jerry with iron-fisted attempts at suppression of speech, and playing the tribal card. Get on the program; smell the coffee; the djinn is out of the bottle. You cannot put
Motivation is overrated. So are results. If you hold a counter-opinion, this might explain why you’re unlikely to meet your New Year resolutions—assuming, of course, you’ve set any. Waiting for motivation to strike or obsessing over results is a recipe for self-sabotage. You’re not just setting yourself up for failure; you’re guaranteeing it. But don’t
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2025 will deliver exactly what you believe it will. What do you believe it will for you? Remember as the quote goes, “Don’t be too excited about this new year stuff. Only the calendar has changed. The spouse, job and targets remain the same.” And whereas a new year offers the opportunity for new beginnings,
#bestbusinessquotesfornewyear, #bestnewyearsalesquotes, #motivationalsalesquotestostartnewyear, #welcome2025
Customer service is determined by the giver. Customer experience is defined by the receiver. Be clear of this difference if you are a business owner, and choose wisely. We shall use examples from Kenya’s current governance (popularized as Ukasongo) to illustrate the difference and importance of customer service and customer experience. As MP Ndindi Nyoro
#customerexperienceagentmeaning, #customerexperiencevscustomersuccess, #customerserviceandcustomerexperienceexamples, #HolideiimefikaWakenyawakomawaya, #kasongoyeye, #servicerecoverymodel
Party with purpose. Celebrate. This is the fourth activity you should engage in for successful selling in December. Closing, collecting and confirming may define your December’s productivity, but celebration shapes its spirit. This is the month to nurture relationships that will fuel your sales pipeline in the new year. You can do this by appreciating
Close. Collect. Confirm. These are the 3 sales activities you should engage in. If you are to be productive, selling in December. December is a month like any other, but only on paper. We joke about the 31 days of January feeling like 90. There is no joke, however, about December. With the festive mood
A sale is initiated and then deepened. That doesn’t make it linear but cyclical. It’s two sides of the same coin (sale?). So quit blaming your colleague. Mind your side of the sale, instead. You are both serving the customer. Sales people initiate the customer relationship. Only they can. Customer service and technical staff deepen
What do you do when your most influential advocate turns against you? Churches were the cornerstone platform on which the current administration rode to power. And, as per the last census, with 84% of the population professing Christianity, you must admire the genius behind the strategy. For example, Catholic and Presbyterian Church of East Africa
#churchesspeakout, #enoughisenough, #harambeeorsadaka, #religionvsstateinkenya, #safaricomcustomerservice, #Sholleicheappublicity, #stateofthenationaddress
If you are not connecting with the buyer, chances are that sale is going nowhere. Just like, until you connect with the gal you are interested in, that ‘sale’ is a non-starter. “Create rapport with the buyer,” you’ve often been told. The problem is, most sellers think of this as a one-off activity to be
Your customer can say, “I do poorly with email. I prefer messages on WhatsApp.” He can afford to say that. You can’t. Your customer can say, “I rarely check my mails. I prefer calling.” She can afford to say that. You can’t. If you think you can, try telling this to your customer. “I didn’t