Archive for Category: Problem Solving

Focus on the buyer’s purchase solution, not your product problems

“Sorry, Sir. You’re unable to cash this cheque over the counter, as it’s not opened,” the cashier at my bank explained. I cursed under my breath. I knew this! What a silly and, about to be, costly mistake in terms of time wasted looking for the other signatories and queuing afresh, I had made! In

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Move your buyer from inertia to action. Here’s how.

His need to address the gap between where he is, and where he wants to be, is the only reason why the buyer is entertaining your pitch. Show him how you can move him from point A to B and you are home and dry. The sale is yours to win. Fail to do so,

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Three lessons on courage, from sales jokes

Sales jokes are not just for the humour, but the learning, too. So, courage brother; like a humourist, do not stumble over vexatious beings. If you had ‘Njaanuary’ (no-money January) as your excuse not to sell, here’s something to lighten up your spirits- sales jokes from which we can learn the importance of courage when

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Assure buyers by addressing their needs, not wants

Assurance. A singular word that means a plural of emotions. And, retained, or new, sales.  Assure buyers by addressing needs, not wants. Assurance is a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise. Assurance is what a customer who is going through uncertainty needs- not what he says he wants. Confused? Hang on. You have

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.