Does your customer believe you? If your customer is struggling to understand you, he doesn’t believe you. Take the ODM party and its case of muddled messaging over joining the broad (Mercy Tarus calls it, fraud) based government. Have...
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Are you frustrating your sales team performance? If you are a business owner or sales manager you could be doing so due to poor sales management practices. Here are four ways how that can happen and what to do...
Is cold calling dead? The short, surprising answer to most sales people, is no. Does cold calling work? Oh, yes. This is the cold truth. Cold calling is alive and kicking; hale and hearty. And it is ruthlessly efficient....
Receiving a certificate after a training means different things to different learners. Compliance. Recognition of Achievement. Brand association (Trained by…). Proof of competence (Credibility). Proof of attendance. A promotion. And more. What’s the sales lesson here? Well, the certificate...
Politicians really nail benefits driven selling. I’ll use them today to articulate the importance of pitching benefits when selling. Politicians know what their voters (prospects) want to hear and they articulate it with crystal clarity. If only they followed...
“What are you competing on? And what do you pitch?” To the former, the average sales person is clueless; possibly because he was never told, but much more likely because he has resigned to sales resistance. Which is why,...