Archive for Author: lmye-admin

Only calendar changed targets didn’t

Rainmakers know only the calendar changed, targets didn’t. “Rainmakers don’t have excuses. You either made the sale or you didn’t; no-one wants to hear why you didn’t bring in the sale” “Don’t get too excited about this New Year stuff. Only the calendar has changed. The spouse, the job, the targets remain the same.” And

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“Because of Corona…” is fading to an excuse

“Corona, after all, is no longer “imported” but “locally produced”. ‘Because of Corona is therefore a hard sell If you’re thinking it, they’ll ask it. So instead of wishing it away, or resigning to fate, address it instead. Think of an appropriate response, dwell on it, experiment with it, iterating it to perfection with every

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Build bridges by asking, “Why should they buy?”

“I want a salary increment because my personal expenses have increased.” Good luck with that. I mean, why should they buy? “Why should they buy?” This is the question every seller should ask themselves. “Why should they agree to (buy) my proposal for sponsorship?” “Why should my students buy (learn from me), their teacher?” That’s

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Cultivate hunger to boost sales

Of hunger the Good Book says, “A labourer’s appetite works for him, his hunger drives him on.” Most sellers stop at appetite. But it’s hunger that boosts sales “What do you think of this?” I was asked.. This, was the buzz of activity outside the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) offices in Upper hill.

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3 reasons why you should prospect

Prospecting frees you of the misleading notion that,“Watakuja tu”. (Fret not. They’ll come) Here are 3 reasons why you should prospect Let me state the obvious today. Because, again and again, as obvious as it is, it is disturbing how rarely it happens. Sometimes, it makes me think that if breathing was not a reflex

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.