Archive for Category: Active Listening

Here’s how humility and curiosity can drive your sales success

If you don’t get it, it’s OK to say so. If you don’t know, it’s OK to admit it. “Kuuliza si ujinga,” the Kiswahili proverb advises. Directly translated: “Asking is not stupidity”. Admitting you do not know does not imply you’re stupid. To the contrary, it demonstrates humility, and invites teaching. And humility is the

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The face-to-face sales meeting still trumps. Use it

Insist on face-to-face sales meeting. At the meeting, dialogue, listen, take notes. Get to the nub of the issue. Then consensually agree on way forward. After all, even in a pandemic, we are still social creatures. This piece of advice should be Holy Grail for two sellers. The business to business (B2B) one for whom

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Take notes during sales calls, like a doctor

Your listening is guaranteed to fail you. Use pen and paper to take sales call notes. But, if typing on a phone is how you roll, roll on brother. Take notes during sales calls. If the doctor turned the document he was writing on towards you, would you decipher the content? Well, first you’d do

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How do you build trust in selling?

How important is it to build trust in selling? Changing hastily made commitments raises eyebrows, and breaks trust. Understand the scope of work before pricing it. The more if you are In the B2B (Business-to-Business) industry, where tip-of-the iceberg symptoms are verbalized as the iceberg problem by the potential buyer (prospect). Take the institution (a

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Assure buyers by addressing their needs, not wants

Assurance. A singular word that means a plural of emotions. And, retained, or new, sales.  Assure buyers by addressing needs, not wants. Assurance is a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise. Assurance is what a customer who is going through uncertainty needs- not what he says he wants. Confused? Hang on. You have

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.