As the progressive salesperson you are, where knowing your competition is concerned, you cannot afford to be flying blind. Have facts about rivals. In a session I had a while back, I was disturbed at how little the delegates knew of their competition. Their average sales experience was two years and yet they struggled to
Sell the experience. I mean, what brings you more compelling memories? The five star hotel you stayed in or the treatment you got while there? The house you grew up in or the playful noises (or painful abuses) in it? The Caterpillar hiking boots, or the tiring yet exhilarating Mt Kenya hike? I’m willing to
One lunch hour in Mombasa, my son and I walked into a supermarket and our nostrils were accosted by an aroma. We followed it to find two cheerful ladies grilling and selling the brand of sausages their aprons displayed, at a hundred bob a piece. We had ours grilled as we paid. Two hundred shillings
“But they have just come from a training; why aren’t they performing?” A common lamentation among managers in an organization, upset as to why the newly trained, highly charged, novice salesman isn’t closing business. These managers are unaware that sales people (on recruitment and after training) need an incubation period. Selling is much akin to
Negotiations are key to securing value with the customer. Here’s an example how. The other day I couldn’t get a head massage at my barber’s because the masseuse wasn’t in. So I asked him for the refund equivalent. I laughed at his witty response: “To compensate, next time you’ll get a longer massage.” And just
Love what you hate. Instead of complaining that the walk-in client only wanted a quote and won’t buy, invite him on a tour of the showroom as the quote is prepared. I drove though three successive fuel stations seeking air for my tires and received three successive, “haifanyi” (the pressure pump isn’t working), and, therefore,
giving quotes is frustrating, Love hate relationship, yin and yang
Human Interaction, Listening, Managing Sales Process, Relationship Building
Being the top salesman feels much like winning the World Cup. It’s a double-edged sword. One edge cuts the air with jubilation as the world celebrates with you, while the other edge cuts deep with the realization that in this same instant you are champion, you are automatically the defending champion. Indeed, getting to the
#africaworldcupqualifiers, #worldcupqualifiers2022, #worldcupqualifiersfixtures, #worldcupqualifierstable
Believing in her product is the hallmark of a true salesperson. You will be amazed how many sales are lost because the salesperson did not believe in her product. So profound is belief, that it is the reason why people are conned into believing that they can have their money multiplied through prayer. In belief
In today’s world many business models are different from the traditional one and the definition of customer, needs discernment. Thus, importance of knowing your customer cannot be gainsaid. “Who is a customer?” Whenever I ask delegates in my sales training session that question, I almost always get one or both of these responses. “The customer
The qualities of a good sales manager are different. The person who finds themselves in the position of sales manager more often than not gets shocked by the transition. The qualities of a good sales manager are unusual. A sales manager’s job is not everyone’s cup of tea. Selling isn’t a desk job and management
#salesmanagertraining, Effective sales management, How to be an Effective Sales Manager, I don't like my sales manager
Leading, Managing Sales Process, Managing Teams, Sales Management