Sales Articles

Key sales lessons from people who promise beyond ability

“If only con men (people who promise beyond ability) were ethical in their selling, they would be runaway successes” It caught the attention of the Head of State and is still trending. The expose of self proclaimed Dr. Prophet Victor Kanyari as a charlatan. In the midst of all the condemnation, pause to reflect. What

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Accept your product has limitations but still sell

Sellers out to offer solutions, accept that their product has limitations but will not stop at seeking a solution for the prospect. Your product has limitations; it is not a panacea to all the client’s needs. This is a pill most salespeople struggle to swallow. It does not help matters when selling is seen as

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Selling luxury items without feeling intimidated

When selling luxury items, with understanding in hand, and getting out of your own way, intimidation by such opulence is lessened. “A pair of shoes for Kes. 280,000. That’s a bargain for Kenya’s billionaire club.” So screamed the Daily Nation story. The story went on to report, “…that an elite group of only 25,000 people

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Learn from social interactions to improve selling ones

Don’t over think it. At the end of the day, selling is a basic human interaction. Learn from social interactions. It is the imagination that it’s not, that magnifies a molehill into a mountain in your mind; it’s the unnecessary painstaking analysis that freezes you in a paralysis. And what the mind cannot handle the

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How to avoid communication breakdown while selling

Avoid communication breakdown. “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. (George Bernard Shaw) Generally, in life, this predicament is the cause of many arguments; specifically, in selling, it is the cause of many lost sales. One of the exercises we do is my sessions has all the delegates

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Have facts about rivals when engaging customer

As the progressive salesperson you are, where knowing your competition is concerned, you cannot afford to be flying blind. Have facts about rivals. In a session I had a while back, I was disturbed at how little the delegates knew of their competition. Their average sales experience was two years and yet they struggled to

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Sell the Experience to close faster and get repeat sales

Sell the experience. I mean, what brings you more compelling memories? The five star hotel you stayed in or the treatment you got while there? The house you grew up in or the playful noises (or painful abuses) in it? The Caterpillar hiking boots, or the tiring yet exhilarating Mt Kenya hike? I’m willing to

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To motivate sales people, allow an incubation period

“But they have just come from a training; why aren’t they performing?” A common lamentation among managers in an organization, upset as to why the newly trained, highly charged, novice salesman isn’t closing business. These managers are unaware that sales people (on recruitment and after training) need an incubation period. Selling is much akin to

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Negotiations key to securing value for buyer, seller

Negotiations are key to securing value with the customer. Here’s an example how. The other day I couldn’t get a head massage at my barber’s because the masseuse wasn’t in. So I asked him for the refund equivalent. I laughed at his witty response: “To compensate, next time you’ll get a longer massage.” And just

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