Archive for Tag: Why is selling so difficult?

How to demolish the brick wall caused by inability to handle objections

The tool of communication that the buyer uses to ‘play hard to get’ is called an objection. …The good news is that there is a finite number of challenging objections; they rarely get to ten. Effective sales managers compile appropriate responses for each into a live document and continually have their teams practice them “I

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Open letter: tips for the beginner salesperson

Dear Novice Seller, here’s three tips for beginner salesperson (as yourself) I want to share, as you embark on this adventure called selling. 1: Yours is not a desk job – quit benchmarking with it The two are as different as light is from day. This is a crucial tips for the beginner salesperson. Unless

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.