Archive for Author: lmye-admin

Does hiring pre-trained salespeople, work?

Does hiring pre-trained salespeople, work? What do you think? To begin with, thinking, ‘Hmm! How much does it cost to hire a salesperson?’, some companies seek plug and play salespeople. They want fast food. Not to slog away buying the different ingredients from the different places. Then, again, slogging away in the kitchen, mixing a

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Ways to attract customer attention

What can you do to get the attention of the potential customer? To begin with, picture this. Your phone beep-beeps in the dead of night. You are sound asleep. And this piercing intrusion in the silent night is not holy. So, you click your tongue, cursing, “Now, who is this sending messages at this time?”

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How many follow-ups to close the sale?

As counter-intuitive as sounds, following up to close the sale in this ‘Corona’ period, is even more necessary. Buyers want responsive sellers but are not responsive themselves. This emphasizes the need to follow-up to close the sale. A foot in the door doesn’t a closed sale. Increase your chances of getting the sale by following

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Take notes during sales calls, like a doctor

Your listening is guaranteed to fail you. Use pen and paper to take sales call notes. But, if typing on a phone is how you roll, roll on brother. Take notes during sales calls. If the doctor turned the document he was writing on towards you, would you decipher the content? Well, first you’d do

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How do you simplify the sale?

How do you simplify the sale? Share what the product or service does, not how it does it. Sieve is much easier than filament and precision instruments, yes? “Do you want a 50-seater or 100-seater?” Likely if planning a wedding, you’ve already guessed I’m talking about tents. If only sellers could simplify their products to

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Is HR responsible for training effectiveness?

Is HR responsible for training effectiveness? Well, is HR responsible for the performance of the department that needs the training? Therein lies the loaded question and, in my view, answer. What is the role of Human Resources (HR) in training? It is only to facilitate execution of the training. Unfortunately, I find many customers for

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Salespeople cannot hold a grudge

Salespeople cannot hold a grudge against prospects (potential buyers). Those that do, frustrate themselves and therefore their job. Here are three reasons why. Prospects see all salespeople as one “You people lied to me. Yes! You denied me a loan after promising me heaven! You are all liars!” This barrage is unceremoniously levelled at the

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.