Archive for Author: lmye-admin

3 tips to boost your sales this January

Yes. It’s here. Another year, another January, another reminder. “Don’t get too excited about this New Year stuff. Only the calendar has changed. The spouse, the job, the targets remain the same.” So, here are three tips to boost your sales this January. 1. You can never listen your way out of a sale You

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Why you should practice permission selling

Permission selling is rarely practiced. This is unfortunate. You practice permission selling when you seek the prospect’s agreement before taking any action that involves them. Permission selling or permission based selling, involves the use of statements like, “Is it okay if I…?” or, “Do you mind if we….?” You catch the drift. Here are 3

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Simplify technical language, use ‘what this means is…’

‘What this means is that…’ Such a simple phrase, so rarely used, so costly to selling. Here’s what I mean. Technical language necessitates lay explanation Technical language can be found in every industry. This could be industry or institution specific. And what it means at industry level could be different, institution. For instance, Q1 to

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The face-to-face sales meeting still trumps. Use it

Insist on face-to-face sales meeting. At the meeting, dialogue, listen, take notes. Get to the nub of the issue. Then consensually agree on way forward. After all, even in a pandemic, we are still social creatures. This piece of advice should be Holy Grail for two sellers. The business to business (B2B) one for whom

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Ask for the sale if you want to get it

Ask. Just ask for the sale. Ask for the meeting. Ask for the cheque. Even ask for the referral. Ask. Just ask. And be specific when asking. It is tragic that many sales fail simply because the sales person did not ask. He did not ask the right questions, or worse, did not ask for

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How to sell doubt and differentiate yourself

Differentiating yourself on price is a race for the bottom. Who hits bottom first, wins. And be dammed the cost. All else lose. Differentiating yourself by ethically selling doubt is more productive. But how to sell doubt, you wonder? Well, read on. First off, doubt triggers pause. Doubt triggers introspection. Doubt triggers attention. And all

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Convert internal training to customer understanding

Convert internal training to customer understanding to thrive in selling. Why? Because, unfortunately, internal professional sales trainings programs, are company, not customer, focused. They focus inward, not outward. They focus on the science of the product, not art of selling it. Companies engage in sales training to empower their front line. If only companies knew

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.