Deploy your passion to prospecting successfully online. Will it be easy? It’s your lifeline. Just start. Deploy your passion to prospect successfully online. To begin with, prospecting is the lifeline of successful selling so I’ve said, repeated, reiterated and will continue to evangelize. Prospecting is identifying the right person to sell to. Therefore, successful sellers
Spread your prospecting efforts. The internet allows sellers, selling sandals or owning a shoe shop, to affordably cast their nets wide, and spread like a pandemic. To begin with, there’s business bloom to be found in this pandemic gloom. Yup! This is what those that have migrated online are finding and mining. And that those
The online buyer has control. So? insisting that the employee must be in a suit when attending a ‘Zoom meeting’ will only frustrate you, the employer. You can’t control that. Accept and move on. You are no longer in control. This is a bitter pill for most sellers to swallow. Yet now, more than ever,
Acute awareness of how to, at once, exploit the benefits and mitigate the risks of transparency in digital space, becomes paramount. To begin with, if you are of a certain age, the Russian word glasnost and name, Mikhail Gorbachev, should trigger memories. Memories of the opening and breaking up of the former Union of Soviet
The unfortunate thing is that many times buyers say yes to put you off and not because they know anything about the product. Whereas a measure of assumption is inevitable in selling, there are instances where it can cost you the sale. Here are three such. Assumption One When opening the sale you ask the
Regulatory intervention is not the problem. As the ‘Red Book’ given by Facebook to all its employees ends by saying: “If we don’t create the thing that kills Facebook, someone else will.“ Leaning on regulatory intervention to boost sales exacerbates intellectual laziness and dampens the entrepreneurial spirit. Four Thursdays ago, we posited that Telkom taking
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How really is Telkom’s T-Kash different from ubiquitous, evolving M-PESA? And how is it different from struggling Airtel Money? And is M-PESA really the problem? I don’t think so. So Telkom Kenya wants a piece of the ‘mobile money’ pie with T-kash. That pie is so near, yet so far. And, if approached in the
Imagine how frustrating it must be selling the process of getting a sacco loan complete with guarantors to tech-savvy Generation Y. Make what you can sell, don’t sell what you can make. This is the mantra start-ups are forever reminded of. It is also relevant to existing businesses overtaken by time. The curse of many
WhatsApp is a salesperson’s tool of trade; it clears any grey areas, and removes time wastage in, communication. How things change! Slightly less than two decades ago, email was considered ‘unofficial’. The hard copy (preferably posted letter-‘snail mail’) took precedence. Today, the plethora ways of instant messaging make email the new snail mail. Yet, for
Coming a decade too late, PSV is an analog move on a digital chessboard. Posta e-commerce, however, is another story From moving mail to moving mailers.Postal Corporation of Kenya (Posta/PCK) is diversifying into public transportation. The then Postmaster General/CEO Dr. Enock Kinara explains: “We are starting a Postliner Bus Service that will help improve on