Inflict buyer with his pain. There was an insurance agent who used to sell with a miniature coffin, which, as part of his sales pitch, he would point at and crudely tell the buyer, “When you are in here, your family will be suffering in poverty…” “Mtawapelekea nini?” the hawker asked, and we burst out
Asking Self-Interrogation Questions like Why am I selling this?, So what? and, Why Should they buy?…Answer these three questions before you pitch and you will significantly increase your chances of closing ‘The problem with schooling is that we are taught to answer questions- not ask them.’ I once read this somewhere. And yet the Bible
Demonstration makes presentation easier for the seller. Equally, the more the buyer’s senses the demonstration interacts with, the higher the chances of making the sale, as the connection created is magnetic. (That’s why fries are so addictive.) A demonstration is not the sale. It’s merely a presentation. An effective one I’ll admit, but a presentation
Demos, Effective presentations, Selling to the Senses
Demonstrations (Demos), Features vs Benefits, Objections, Pitching/Presenting
1+1=2 is scientific. When selling, the answer depends on how the question is perceived. As such it could be an is equal to sign, or the number eleven, or two ones, or… Selling is not a science. This is what sellers that are scientists (app developers, crop consultants, engineers, IT experts, even accountants) quickly and
On the surface these look like genuine reasons to buy; but they are no different than being invited to buy a shirt because “it will cover your nakedness”. Why do buyers really buy your product or service? Chew on that; we’ll come back to it. In my classes, whenever I ask the question, “Why
Yeah…Go ahead and connect with me on LinkedIn and pitch me a few seconds later, about this crazy offer on land or shoes or investment you have. When you do so, I don’t think you are being efficient. You are merely magnifying your inefficiency in prospecting. “The first rule of technology used in a business,”
Processes can protect but impede. You are like the self-serving Kenyan politician who will never be motivated to discuss public problems like access to medical care because he is immune to them, courtesy of his five star international medical insurance cover. You, just like him, don’t know the customer pain point. Despite the pomp and
There is no formula in selling. I was told this by an experienced salesperson who has sold in the financial sector for over a decade. Today he heads over 500 sales managers and sales people countrywide. In a way he was right and this is what I wish to explore today. Let’s consider the sales
The tragedy of B2B selling is that, despite the tonnes of money used in the purchase, in many cases it is not the ‘best company’ or ‘best solution’ that wins the sale but rather the sales person who was able to make their value more visible to the customer. So, adapt your presentation to respective
Selling to scientists, Selling to the C-Suite, Simplifying the B2B sale
Buyer behaviour, Objections, Organizational Culture, Pitching/Presenting
Obviously, the B2B seller must be proactive and ready to work harder than his B2C counterpart in order to keep a pulse on and accelerate the sale. This is good news as it grows him immeasurably. There is reason why the Business-to-Business (B2B) sale is referred to as complex. Editorial space limits expounding on why,