Archive for Category: Attitude

Adapt sales techniques to different buyers

Ignoring different sales techniques for different buyers leads to disrespect by the sales team and limits the most effective of sales techniques Selling isn’t, er, selling. You must adapt your sales techniques to different buyers. Take the salesman who moves from say, selling fast-moving-consumer-goods (FMCG) to, say, selling electrical engineering products. The former includes selling

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Change your attitude to selling and advance your career

Dear customer interacting representative, You don’t have to sell, to, er, sell. change your attitude to selling. The misconception of what selling is, that selling is not for ‘us’ but ‘them’, and that “I don’t know how to sell”, is the cause for many lost sales by you. These reps could be technicians, staff in

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Why salespeople don’t ask questions and solving this

Salespeople don’t ask questions for various reasons. It doesn’t help that the high pressure sales environment does not reward meek attempts To begin with, the novice salesperson would rather ‘die with her problems’ than ask for help. In fact, this in itself is a significant reason why sales turnover remains on an all-time high. What

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Here’s why employers may fail to pay honour sales compensation

But business does not unfold in real life as it does on Microsoft Excel projections. So, when the vagaries become unsustainable, prudence dictates that the goose that lays the golden egg is protected. And no, that’s not the salesperson, Contrary to lay belief, compensating salespeople is not an exact science. This is something salespeople should

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Passing or failing an exam is an event, not the destination in life

“Whoever glorifies A’s is a devil that needs to be dealt with.You don’t need an A to get on with your life. Once you get over 50 per cent, you can do anything including medicine…” Dear Student, You’ve been sold a bill of goods. You’ve been lied to that the A in school stands for

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A few non-selling actions that sell

Acknowledge, stoop to conquer and engage, for juicy dividends Whether you are in direct selling or not, there are several non-selling actions you make, or don’t, that get, or lose, you the sale. These go beyond the seasonal and traditional marketing merchandise and birthday/anniversary gifts. Here are three such. Acknowledgement The most fundamental need for

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Why the con artist would thrive as ethical salesman

What struck me most is their flexibility and perseverance. How con men have possibly realized the successes with the more common texts were diminishing, and had therefore upped their pitch to calling. You really must admire the tenacity of a con artist. Last month I got a call from a gentleman who professionally identified himself

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Disrupted banks media and customer benefits

Disrupted banks, media, and businesses have to sell to customer benefits not the businesses features. This calls, not for a transformation, but evolution of business. After all, “Innovation is not just another app”, so Prof. Patrick Njoroge, CBK Governor, reminded banks To begin with, customers don’t buy the features of your product. Customers buy the

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Respond to prospects caution personally, even if it’s not personal

Despite sellers being largely (almost solely) to blame for the mistrust of salespeople, ironically it is still sellers who can mend it. After all, every product or service must be sold. Get over the buyer’s caution. It’s not personal. But still, take it personally. Confused? Read on. To begin with, the first reaction by the

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Optimism a key lifeline for successful salesperson

One research showed that life insurance agents that were optimists sold 37 per cent more insurance in their first two years than did pessimists. Optimism: hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. Optimism is not idle banter for a salesperson; neither is it feel good talk by a motivational speaker.

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