Archive for Author: lmye-admin

If you sell, your dress is not your choice. Here’s why

Did you know that many employees in the bank keep ties in their top drawer? It’s the first thing they put on when they arrive at work (tie-less), and the first thing they remove and put back in said drawer, when the bank doors close. Indeed, your dress is not your choice. Here’s why. “My

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4 practical ways to resolve Sales vs Operations fights

“Field gets the glory, support gets the job done.” I laughed when I heard this line, by a fellow in IT, in a movie I recently watched. “Field gets the glory, support gets the job done.” Hilarious as I found it, it’s a source of irritation and conflict in many businesses, and the cause of

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Defend your price by showing the buyer his cost

“The price may be high, as you say, but what about the cost?” The buyer does a doubletake. Quickly recovering he retorts, “What do you mean, the cost? I’ve just told you the price is high!” The salesperson (mechanic) has been here before; he knows the buyer sees price and cost as the same, yet

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Misaligned seller and company values costs you sales

Aligning personal values and corporate values earns you sales. Misaligned values loses you sales, and may cost the sales person his job. Here are 4 true stories that practically illustrate why you should align salesperson and company values. Case 1: The Preacher We had to part ways. Was he competent? Absolutely! In fact, he was

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To be a great retail merchandiser educate the buyer

To merchandise successfully, educate the buyer. But first, who is a merchandiser and what is merchandising? Well, when that lady (it’s almost always a lady) in the supermarket invited you to try her company’s cereal (or other product), that was different from the one you intended to buy, you experienced merchandising. At least the type

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This is why you should practice empathy when selling

“I’ve just had an accident, and…,” the client nonchalantly starts to explain to his insurance company. Suddenly, he is interrupted with a sincere and heartfelt, “Are you OK?” by the representative who answered the call. The client’s eyes light up; a smile cracks his hitherto sullen face; his face brightens and suddenly there’s warmth in

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If you sell, here’s why you should google yourself

Have you googled yourself lately? What activity did you find? Would it affect how a buyer thinks of you? If you have never searched yourself online, please do so now. As we’ve shared here before, if the buyer doesn’t buy you, they won’t the product you are selling. This is why you should google yourself

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4 whys in sales that you should answer to close faster

“Which theme do you want for your new website?” the techie asks his client. He responds: “Why do you ask?” The techie says: “Well besides personal preference, themes can also determine attraction to a site. For example, here let me show you…” After the demonstration the client’s eyes light up with revelation. “Ahh, I see…”

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It’s December. Take charge not excuses of your sales

It’s December. So close. Just close. Steer clear of lame excuses, false promises and tall tales; there’s no time for them. December is only a full selling month on paper; in practice, it’s at best three weeks, before the hapless Kenyan loses it to Christmas cheer. And as it is, one week is already gone.

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.