Archive for Category: Cross-selling

Cross selling: meaning, examples and importance

Examples of cross selling Have you witnessed or experienced any of these examples in cross selling that show it’s importance? While fueling, a petrol attendant invites you to buy a higher grade fuel; as you await the meal you’ve just ordered, the waiter asks you what drink you would like to have; in traffic, a

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Selling vs Business: What the Wells Fargo scandal teaches us

CEO’s are not Sales Managers and vice versa. Company profits are not sales commissions. A business is not a sales team and fraud has no place in either. Welcome to the Wells Fargo (Bank) scandal. When you run a business the way you would a sales team, the results cannot be good. Throw ethics out

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Don’t Berate Yourself –It Takes Practise To Bake Your Pitch To Perfection

The trick is to shorten your learning curve by making the duration to perfection a factor of frequency more than a factor of time. Pitch as many times as humanly possible, improving with each successive attempt based on progressive lessons learnt. An account winning pitch takes time to bake. As with every new skill, even

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Selling is service and service is selling

Selling is giving a service. You want a plumber with some basic understanding of electrical work. We want elastic skills as employers but shun them as employees. Strange. Selling is giving a service and giving a service is selling. It is the perception that selling and service are mutually exclusive that is the bane of

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Make it a marriage not a fling

Information is no longer a single lane, from seller to buyer. It is now a dual carriage way and the buyer’s side has eight lanes (and growing) while the seller’s is still one. Make it a marriage not a fling. “Make a customer not a sale”. I stumbled upon this quote and found that the

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Front office staff can boost sales and grow their careers

Selling is giving a service. And service is given by any one. The extra sale is merely a by-product of this; so is accelerating your profile to 3D status. Far too many sales are lost by front line staff. They are lost largely because of a poor attitude and sometimes lack of capacity. Consider these

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How to sell to different segments in the organization

It is the consummate seller who is able to resist the urge to volunteer (unnecessary) details of what the product can do. A business to business sale many times requires the presentation to be done across different cadre before it is consummated. Few sellers do this. Many, for lack of trying; others for lack of

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