If you are a salesman reading this, are you busy or are you buzzing? Are you busy with sales activities or buzzing with sales accomplishments? Being busy is good, but you are paid for buzzing; activity may keep you going but it’s accomplishment that moves you forward. So, sales activity vs accomplishment. Let’s look at
Recruiting and retaining good sales people is no walk in the park. It’s a challenge that many organizations face, and it requires careful consideration and strategic planning to overcome. This may surprise many nascent business owners but is something seasoned ones learned the hard way. The budding ones naively imagine, “I’ll just focus on building,
#howtoretainsalesemployees, #recruitmentandrententionpayment, #Recruitmentandretentionexamples, #recruitmentandretentionstrategies
Here are three secrets of successful sales teams that business owners and entrepreneurs should know. The distribution curve rules First. Not all your salespeople are, or will even be, sales rock stars. Accept this. Move on. Like a bell curve you will always have a select few As, a bulk of Bs and Cs and
If you don’t like presentations that start with About Us, then believe me when I tell you that buyers don’t like yours that start the same. It’s not a case of tit-for-tat. No. It’s because buyers are selfish. You will captivate and win them over, easier and faster when you align yourself to their selfishness.
Why should they agree? This is question you must ask yourself, and adequately respond to, if you are to master the art of effective negotiating in Sales. Why should the buyer agree to buy what you are selling? Effective negotiating means unlocking success through skilful communication. In the dynamic world of sales, mastering the art
“Your ATM card does not have my name and account number on it,” the new customer complains. My other big bank does. “Here. You, see?” (He shows him) The sales person knows the truth. His bank does not have a printer to emboss the client details on it; truth is, being new in this retail
His need to address the gap between where he is, and where he wants to be, is the only reason why the buyer is entertaining your pitch. Show him how you can move him from point A to B and you are home and dry. The sale is yours to win. Fail to do so,
#CracktheCodeofCustomerSatisfaction, #mirrorinKiswahili, #painpoint, #Provenstrategiesformovingcustomersforward, #Roadmaptosalessuccess
Did you know that many employees in the bank keep ties in their top drawer? It’s the first thing they put on when they arrive at work (tie-less), and the first thing they remove and put back in said drawer, when the bank doors close. Indeed, your dress is not your choice. Here’s why. “My
“Send us a hard copy” the buyer says. You smile externally but curse internally. “Really! A hard copy. In this day and age. Who does that?” Wisely, you keep your incredulity and indignation to yourself. In any case the government official that just told you that does not care! He doesn’t care that hard copy
“The problem is the economy.” “The economy is bad; that’s why we can’t sell.” “Buyers aren’t biting because they have no money.” Hmm! Is the problem the economy or you? Are you doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results? If so, you may want to shift from such insanity and
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