Referrals are an effective way of prospecting. They save you time that you would have otherwise spent in search of new prospects. They shorten your sales cycle because you already have a foot in the door. You were most probably referred to the barber or hairdresser you go to; maybe you stopped patronizing a particular
Continually get leads and invest time in converting them. This significantly lowers your prospecting burden, increasing your closing ratio. To begin with, when you are given a lead, wring it dry before throwing in the towel. Most sellers give up at first blush, much to the dismay of the lead giver. Here are three reasons
“Any of the vague responses shared compound the sales challenge further because they are not only hazy, they are impossible to elicit a useful response to the request, “Please refer me to anyone wealthy (or, who wants a loan)” Who is your prospect? The inability to respond with clarity to this question is the cause
There’s nothing sweeter than the sound of one’s own name. Remembering the name after a long and dry spell in communication yields a warm, “Wow! You still remember my name?” There are several taboos to avoid in selling but start with these three and see the positive effect Remembering Names Progressive sellers cannot afford the
'Sweetest' sales taboo, how to ask for a referral
Human Interaction, Pitching/Presenting, Referals, Uncategorized
Don’t over think it. At the end of the day, selling is a basic human interaction. Learn from social interactions. It is the imagination that it’s not, that magnifies a molehill into a mountain in your mind; it’s the unnecessary painstaking analysis that freezes you in a paralysis. And what the mind cannot handle the