Sales Articles

A salesperson’s job doesn’t end with the order

In selling, practice doesn’t make perfect, it makes better. The sales ecosystem being imperfect is something to think about, not dwell upon Dear salesperson, constantly complaining that the system (process or product) is imperfect will only get you sounding like a dripping tap. Repeatedly lumping your entire dismal performance on “the inadequate system” may be

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Why Many Salespeople Struggle To Grow Their Own Businesses And What They Can Do About It

If business unfolded in real life as it does on Excel, everyone would be a businessman…and if selling were the only skill necessary for the business to thrive, the salesperson would have it easy. What irony! Many employees shun sales, yet all who start their side hustle or outright business crave it. One would therefore

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Keep the sales momentum going by showing continual value to the buyer

Buyers are like patients. Assuming they know the root cause of their problems leads to a misdiagnosis; a hit-and-run One of the most self-defeating assumptions sellers make is that the buyer has all the answers about his business. Well, breaking news: he doesn’t. It is because of this assumption that many sellers simply hit-and-run. They

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What roadside sellers can teach you about selling

Anyone interacting with a customer should borrow a leaf from what we commonly refer to as roadside sellers. Again and again I tend to see informal sellers (street vendors or road side sellers) thriving more in selling than formal ones. What is it that I see us learning from them? Stall owners Wealthy or poor,

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Selling is service and service is selling

Selling is giving a service. You want a plumber with some basic understanding of electrical work. We want elastic skills as employers but shun them as employees. Strange. Selling is giving a service and giving a service is selling. It is the perception that selling and service are mutually exclusive that is the bane of

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Make it a marriage not a fling

Information is no longer a single lane, from seller to buyer. It is now a dual carriage way and the buyer’s side has eight lanes (and growing) while the seller’s is still one. Make it a marriage not a fling. “Make a customer not a sale”. I stumbled upon this quote and found that the

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Front office staff can boost sales and grow their careers

Selling is giving a service. And service is given by any one. The extra sale is merely a by-product of this; so is accelerating your profile to 3D status. Far too many sales are lost by front line staff. They are lost largely because of a poor attitude and sometimes lack of capacity. Consider these

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Why enterprises should tap the high potential in hawking

Seeing as life gives us lemons in the name of incessant traffic, instead of complaining, why not break out the tequila and salt by constructively tapping into hawking? Hawking must be the most effective sales distribution system we have in Kenya, if not Africa. Yet, its full potential is yet to be tapped. If anything,

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Does the education system make the A grade?

Education must be embraced for empowerment, not examination. The certificate, won’t work for you, if you don’t. Employers hire on based on knowledge and skills, yet fire based on attitudes The tragedy of the education system, is that it has been reduced to be for examination and therefore employment. Schools, parents, employers, teachers, students, and

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