Selling is giving a service. You want a plumber with some basic understanding of electrical work. We want elastic skills as employers but shun them as employees. Strange. Selling is giving a service and giving a service is selling. It is the perception that selling and service are mutually exclusive that is the bane of
Information is no longer a single lane, from seller to buyer. It is now a dual carriage way and the buyer’s side has eight lanes (and growing) while the seller’s is still one. Make it a marriage not a fling. “Make a customer not a sale”. I stumbled upon this quote and found that the
Digital Disruption and Selling, Educate a Buyer to a Sale, Quotes on Sales, The death of the Travel Agent
Selling is giving a service. And service is given by any one. The extra sale is merely a by-product of this; so is accelerating your profile to 3D status. Far too many sales are lost by front line staff. They are lost largely because of a poor attitude and sometimes lack of capacity. Consider these
How to Wow the Customer, Knowledge and Skills without Attitude is Useless, Rude Customer Service, T grow in career increase your skills
Seeing as life gives us lemons in the name of incessant traffic, instead of complaining, why not break out the tequila and salt by constructively tapping into hawking? Hawking must be the most effective sales distribution system we have in Kenya, if not Africa. Yet, its full potential is yet to be tapped. If anything,
Creating an Effective Distribution System, Hawking in Kenya, How to become Innovative, Innovations in Africa
Education must be embraced for empowerment, not examination. The certificate, won’t work for you, if you don’t. Employers hire on based on knowledge and skills, yet fire based on attitudes The tragedy of the education system, is that it has been reduced to be for examination and therefore employment. Schools, parents, employers, teachers, students, and
8-4-4 review underway, Ernst & Young Remove Degree Criterion, KCPE and KCSE high failure wasteful rate, USAID Yes Youth Can program failure
The ‘analog’ way of selling the Show (Fair?), must get ‘digital’. Mercifully, the current strategic plan addresses this concern. Therefore, it can only be hoped that the lost glory will be reclaimed by the Society and not a commercial entity. So I attended the ASK Show, sorry, Agricultural Society of Kenya Show, sorry, Nairobi International
ASK Show is dead, Is there hope for ASK Show, Nairobi International Trade Fair is ASK Show renamed, Nairobi International Trade Fair- a case of ineffective rebranding
Globally, even with rapidly changing technology replacing many jobs, the one profession that is still growing is sales. Paradoxically, the sales person isn’t. Why do most sales people fail? Most salespeople fall on the wayside and many grow into inefficiency. This is the tragedy of the sales profession. A worrying number of experienced salespeople aren’t.
how to get office staff to sell, How to get out of comfort zone, How to increase efficiency in sales procceses, others achieve greatness, Some people are born great, tapping into latent synergies at workplace, while others have greatness thrust upon them
Sell experience at exhibition stands to capture the imagination and maximize returns Your grand stand at the exhibition is not meant for grand standing. Exhibition stands are an investment from which a return is expected. Tragically, many institutions short change themselves by assuming that the stand is an extension of their shop floor or branch
Gossip sells. Possibly this is the reason why some sellers assume it’ll work for them. What they forget is that gossip sells in ‘hiding’ and where there is no ownership-not out in the open. Pitching to a buyer by rubbishing another is counterproductive. If we cut to the chase, it’s basic gossip. It manifests itself
Defaulting into start-up mode when required to, is not something you do for the company, but for yourself. Businesses evolve. Sometimes they go through a rough patch and the angry CEO blatantly exposes the thorns and not the roses. “The industry is going through a difficult time. And, as you can see, if this downward