The sales job has an element of customer service in it. Sadly, many sales people frown upon it claiming, “It’s not my job. Once I deliver the account, I’m out.” Equally, many customer service representatives strait jacket themselves in their job description and put blinders on even the most glaring of sales opportunities. “We’re not
The following illustration of how to become creative in selling, happened to a salesman in a multinational FMCG firm. The product he was selling was tea in a sachet. His first quarter sales were nothing to write home about. In fact, they were pathetic. The heat of disapproval from the sales manager was getting intensely
Sell internally and externally, otherwise you will soon be piping these common lamentations by salespeople. “I was let down by back-office?”, “ Whose job is it?” “Why me?” As a salesperson, where does your job end? Is it after you have delivered the cheque (sold externally)? Is customer service your work? More importantly, is back-office
Examples of cross selling Have you witnessed or experienced any of these examples in cross selling that show it’s importance? While fueling, a petrol attendant invites you to buy a higher grade fuel; as you await the meal you’ve just ordered, the waiter asks you what drink you would like to have; in traffic, a
Have you ever been sold to the exact same product, by the exact same sales person, at the exact same spot, only a decade later? And were you impressed at their level of professional and personal growth or dismayed at the depths to which they had sunk? The former is an object of admiration; the
“We’re done now,” to quote Big Shaq of the famed ‘Man’s not hot’ hit song. We’re done now with elections and the tension therefrom. But we’re not done with learning from the happenings. Here’s the last lesson; one from the Supreme Court proceedings on how jargon is opaque, a barrier to communication, and how best
Sales is competitive. As with any competition, there are winners and losers. The just concluded election, for instance, had a whopping 16,000 contestants, yet the vacancies were less than 10% of that. Selling is no different. And with competition, inevitably, conflict arises. One such is, “He stole my client” (sic). Given the labour that goes
#conflictresolutioninsales, #Electionske, #resolveconflictinsales, #sourcesofconflictinsaleschannel, #stealclientminecraft, #stealingofcustomers
The petition was lodged on Monday. The loser in the just concluded Kenyan Presidential elections went to the Supreme Court seeking a nullification of the results. Will the Court rule in his favour? We shall know in 12 days or so. Irrespective though, political analysts and intellectuals are offering insights into how, against all odds,
# Ownyourinfluence, #crowdsforhire, #crowdsourcing, #crowdvotingexample, #kingsolomon, #supremecourtofkenya, #SupremeCourtruling
“I don’t compete on the same level as others,” a participant in my sales training session proudly explained. “I ask the client what he wants, I give it to him, and in the process he naturally opens the account, which is what I wanted him to do in the first place.” If you were wondering
Even die-hard “We will never buy from you” customers or prospective customers (prospects) can be turned. This is what sales or service recovery plan means, and what Presidential aspirant William Ruto has demonstrated with this year’s election results. I mean, who would have imagined him getting any electoral affection in Mt. Kenya region? Only two