Archive for Category: Pitching/Presenting

Technology is intended to make your selling easier-not do it for you

Yeah…Go ahead and connect with me on LinkedIn and pitch me a few seconds later, about this crazy offer on land or shoes or investment you have. When you do so, I don’t think you are being efficient. You are merely magnifying your inefficiency in prospecting.  “The first rule of technology used in a business,”

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Adapt your presentation to respective business buyer to accelerate the sale

The tragedy of B2B selling is that, despite the tonnes of money used in the purchase, in many cases it is not the ‘best company’ or ‘best solution’ that wins the sale but rather the sales person who was able to make their value more visible to the customer. So, adapt your presentation to respective

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Busy Yourself With Customer Facing Activities, That Make Sales

Prospecting is the cornerstone of successful selling. No, it is not closing. To close, there must first be a prospect…however, closing is the ultimate activity for making the sale. No, your sales job is not as overwhelming as you make it out to be. “What with doing reports, calling, replying to emails, prospecting, attending meetings,

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Selling Taboos to Drop for Easy, Faster Climb

There’s nothing sweeter than the sound of one’s own name. Remembering the name after a long and dry spell in communication yields a warm, “Wow! You still remember my name?” There are several taboos to avoid in selling but start with these three and see the positive effect Remembering Names Progressive sellers cannot afford the

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For successful selling, compare and contrast your product

She had been attracted to both phones but wants help in deciding why she should take one over the other, and the seller’s inability to demonstrate similarities and differences between the two is not helping. Flashback! Remember exam questions in school which would start with “compare and contrast…”? Well, we are back at the two:

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To get his attention, make the opening about buyer

Make opening about the buyer. Include these three qualities: brevity, succinctness, and being gripping. Remember the objective is to engage… “Boss. Hiyo wiper yako ikipiga, itaharibu kioo” Told to me by a hawker, this is the most gripping opening of any sale I’ve heard. In only seven words he had my full attention. He did

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Don’t Berate Yourself –It Takes Practise To Bake Your Pitch To Perfection

The trick is to shorten your learning curve by making the duration to perfection a factor of frequency more than a factor of time. Pitch as many times as humanly possible, improving with each successive attempt based on progressive lessons learnt. An account winning pitch takes time to bake. As with every new skill, even

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Use PowerPoint as a visual aid, and not to kill your presentation

“I came hoping to get some relief of my ulcer but listening to him only stressed the ulcer the more.” This is because in his presentation, the doctor had used PowerPoint as a verbal crutch not a visual aid. Use PowerPoint as a Visual Aid If it’s been said once it’s been said a million

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Five steps to delivering a successful presentation

Over the years, as a firm we have sieved Delivering A Successful Presentation into five tips; representation, repertoire, research, rehearsal and repetition. In 1996, I was a life insurance agent and had just landed my biggest prospect to date. I was now in his office, this chief engineer of a multinational firm.After the flawless presentation

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