Archive for Category: Pitching/Presenting

Why a quantifiable goal is crucial to a successful client meeting

A goal crystallizes the purpose of the meeting; it focuses the seller to a specific thing and with this, he will most likely find himself customizing his presentation accordingly To make your client meetings productive, have a quantifiable goal. Office meetings are a common tool of business. Paradoxically, many attendees (even sales people in sales

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How To Successfully Sell Your End Of Year Party

Usually, that’s the easy part especially if it’s in memo/email format where all one has to do is complete the ‘To’, ‘From’ and ‘Subject’ fields. The challenging part is the why, when and how. Who, what, when, where, why and how. The five Ws and one H are such a basic structure of effective communication

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Speak at the end of year party, and get promoted

Speak at the end of year party with confidence. I see in my presentation classes, that the trouble with most “I have nothing to say” or “I fear speaking in public” speakers, is this. They suffocate themselves by confusing knowing how to say (structure), with what to say (content). Now then. Opportunities to speak (voluntary or not) abound this

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Accelerate the sale: personalize it to the buyer’s real reason for buying

You are more inclined to listen to the buyer who points out the benefits of having the shirt on; like, “It accentuates your chiseled torso or emphasizes your hip movement.” Stating the benefits of your product isn’t enough to accelerate the sale; to do so, you need to customize them to the respective buyer. The

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Know your product intimately but share only what is necessary

Know your product intimately. However, the more intimate your product knowledge, the less you should share when selling. The knowledge is to be used on a need-to-know basis, to use espionage parlance. It doesn’t matter the type of gun you have so much as your ability to use it. This statement was made by a

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Product and price are only two of seven P’s you can use to close faster

You were lied to. The 7Ps of marketing, for which product and price are a part of, aren’t. They are also the 7Ps of finance, of administration of human resources, of ICT, of operations, and even, of sales. They are the 7Ps of business. As a reminder they are product, price, place (distribution), promotion (marketing),

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Be practical about the buyer’s problem and accelerate the sale

Repeating the tag line of your (outsourcing company) company verbatim, ‘Do what you like, and let us handle the rest’ only serves to force the buyer to think how it applies to him and lengthens the sale that much more. To accelerate the sale, be practical about how your product solves the buyer’s problem. Regular

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Asking self-interrogation questions increases chances of closing sale

Asking Self-Interrogation Questions like Why am I selling this?, So what? and, Why Should they buy?…Answer these three questions before you pitch and you will significantly increase your chances of closing ‘The problem with schooling is that we are taught to answer questions- not ask them.’ I once read this somewhere. And yet the Bible

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A Demonstration Makes The Presentation Easier But You Must Close The Sale

Demonstration makes presentation easier for the seller. Equally, the more the buyer’s senses the demonstration interacts with, the higher the chances of making the sale, as the connection created is magnetic. (That’s why fries are so addictive.) A demonstration is not the sale. It’s merely a presentation. An effective one I’ll admit, but a presentation

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Beat the competition – Sell to buyer’s real reason for buying

On the surface these look like genuine reasons to buy; but they are no different than being invited to buy a shirt because “it will cover your nakedness”. Why do buyers really buy your product or service? Chew on that; we’ll come back to it. In my classes, whenever I ask the question, “Why

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.