There is no shame in apologizing. If you are a salesperson, or even the President, and you have made a mistake, there is no shame in saying, “I am sorry.” Saying, “I’m sorry” saves sales. And doing it in those words, is not only empathetic, but it also shows ownership and is human. In the
Don’t overthink it. At the end of the day, selling is a basic human interaction. You are selling as you go about your social interactions online and offline. It is the imagination that it’s not, that magnifies a molehill into a mountain in your mind; it’s the unnecessary painstaking analysis that freezes you in a
Insist on face-to-face sales meeting. At the meeting, dialogue, listen, take notes. Get to the nub of the issue. Then consensually agree on way forward. After all, even in a pandemic, we are still social creatures. This piece of advice should be Holy Grail for two sellers. The business to business (B2B) one for whom
How to bypass gate keepers in something to take in your sales stride. Many times gate keepers will facilitate, not frustrate, the sale. “The askari doesn’t let me in. How do I avoid the nurse? The secretary prevents me from reaching the buyer. “ All these are lamentations many sellers have of gate keepers. Gate
Rejection is part of human interaction; even you do it. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes inadvertently. It happens within selling and even outside. Rejection is here to stay. What you should focus on is how to overcome rejection. Sales is filled with rejection – so it’s critical to develop a healthy attitude to it. Easier said than done,
The tragedy of the average corporate exhibition stand is that it is manned by a ‘supermarket cashier’. And its intended objectives and investment are lost…Your branch and stand are both your corporate outlets. However, potential visitors to your stand are rarely in ‘buy mode’. So how do you Sell at the exhibition stand? Read on
Selling a big brand name? Just as with glowing academic papers, that reputable name won’t work for you, if you don’t. Could you be wallowing in the miasma of your company’s renowned brand name? “Watakuja tu” you reckon. (Customers will always come). “We needn’t put in much effort in selling. After all, we are (insert
It’s like the ego driven man who chest thumps himself to fellow men as to the plot of land he identified and bought, yet in truth, his wife is the one who gently and wisely nudged him in that direction. The power of subtle persuasion in selling is, unfortunately, underestimated. That you must be persistent
There’s nothing sweeter than the sound of one’s own name. Remembering the name after a long and dry spell in communication yields a warm, “Wow! You still remember my name?” There are several taboos to avoid in selling but start with these three and see the positive effect Remembering Names Progressive sellers cannot afford the
'Sweetest' sales taboo, how to ask for a referral
Human Interaction, Pitching/Presenting, Referals, Uncategorized
However eloquent you are in the Queen’s English, you must still show the buyer what your product or service can do for him The Sales Pitch column turns four today. This is the 193rd post. A four year old is unpretentious and eager to learn. Equally, the bare knuckles nature of sales leaves little to