Sales Articles

Dig deeper into customers’ need

The financial landscape fundamentally shifted with M-Pesa. Suddenly, we had options and wanted more. Banks were no longer in the charge of the selling environment. You are not much different… You are not in charge of the selling environment. Still, this does not exempt you from being in charge of the sale. Confused? Let’s illustrate

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Know your product intimately but share only what is necessary

Know your product intimately. However, the more intimate your product knowledge, the less you should share when selling. The knowledge is to be used on a need-to-know basis, to use espionage parlance. It doesn’t matter the type of gun you have so much as your ability to use it. This statement was made by a

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Close faster. Simplify the sale with examples and other literary devices

Close Faster, Simplify the Sale. The buyer isn’t asking to get the nuts and bolts of the situation. All he needs is assurance and confidence. Assurance that the problem can be resolved and confidence that you can do it. Many times all the buyer wants to make a decision to buy is an appreciation of

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Exercise subtle persuasion to nurture a long lasting buyer-seller relationship

It’s like the ego driven man who chest thumps himself to fellow men as to the plot of land he identified and bought, yet in truth, his wife is the one who gently and wisely nudged him in that direction. The power of subtle persuasion in selling is, unfortunately, underestimated. That you must be persistent

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Inspire sellers with simple processes

Sellers want instant jabs for their regular professional malaise. So, inspire sellers with simple processes Salespeople hate complicated things. The field is complicated enough. They focus on only what they need to know to sell. When explaining remuneration for instance, don’t try to be clever about it. Simple specifics are what they wants to hear-

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Could UFAA be sabotaging itself with its annoying claims process?

Possibly born of its mother hen culture, Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority UFAA claims process, could inadvertently be impeding the reunification of assets with their owner. Kenyans reluctant to go for Shs 8.73 billion unclaimed assets, says Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA). So reported the Business Daily. The Chief Executive of UFAA, Kellen Kariuki, to show

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Keep open to and address your buyers’ real reasons for buying

So profound is this that a client of mine who sells pesticides tells me that one of their products is more expensive and bulkier than the competitor’s and yet farmers prefer it “Mimi nilivotia Sonko, kwa vile Kidero ametusotesha sana. Na hope Sonko atatulipa mshahara on time kwa vile Kidero alikuwa anakaa sana bila kutulipa.”

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How To successfully ‘hack’ jargon (not IEBC) when selling

It’s not easy ‘speaking in English’, especially for an expert (and every seller is one). And yet, the fact that your larger audience is almost always lay, the importance of doing so cannot be gainsaid. Obfuscation. Chicanery. Subterfuge. Experts say these are the ingredients of successful politics; flummoxing the audience to leave them nonplussed. Unfortunately,

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How your title and the organizational structure may impede the sale

Don’t hold your breath for long, hoping to lean on “marketing took up my time” as a reason for explaining the shortfall in numbers. No one will buy it. Here are organizational aspects that may impede the sale. Titles Your title is meant to portray what your employer wants to project of himself through

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.