Your customer can say, “I do poorly with email. I prefer messages on WhatsApp.” He can afford to say that. You can’t. Your customer can say, “I rarely check my mails. I prefer calling.” She can afford to say that. You can’t. If you think you can, try telling this to your customer. “I didn’t
“I need a salesperson that can sell. I generate leads for my team but their conversion is poor. Out of 100 leads they have converted only 3. I need a more exciting dashboard to look at. It also costs getting and converting each of these leads. That’s why I need a salesperson that can sell.
#brandawarenesssalesonersion, #centuminestmentsellsSidiantoAccessBank, #comparingsalestoindustrystandards, #measuringsalesperforrmance
‘Oti’ was on a roll. He had closed all three sales that morning. Naturally of high energy and speed you can therefore imagine how pumped he was as he engaged the fourth one that afternoon. I, his sales manager, watched as he pitched at what he later described as “speaking at 160kph”. His prospect, a
If you are of a certain age, you are familiar with the song, Living Next Door to Alice by Smokie. For the uninitiated, the chorus explains the song: “Twenty-four years just waitin’ for a chance, to tell her how I feel and maybe get a second glance, now I’ve gotta get used to not living
Why do you settle on selling only one product? Unlock your sales potential and maximize your sales. Why do you sell only one product? Sell more than one. As you think through that, (as you tafakari hayo), see what these 5 smart salespeople are doing different. Then expand your sales game. The informal seller’s approach:
#areyoueasilycontented, #CarolineCheptooBomas, #whycrosssellingfails, #whydosalespeoplenotcrosssell, #whysettleforless
Are you losing sales because of how you treat your employees? This is the Customer Service Week 2024 theme – elevate employee experience for customer experience success. Employee experience is customer experience. For example, If institutions, like employers, civic bodies and the Judiciary were employees, is the Executive iron-fistedly dragging them kicking and screaming into
Customer Service Week 2024 comes up from 7th October. As business owners and sales professionals prepare to engage with customers, here are three Customer Service Week quotes to keep in mind during, and especially outside the week. “You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work.” Sales and customer
Some products take longer to sell than others. They have a long sales cycle. Understand yours and work on mitigating this inevitability. Today, we look at some of the ways how to sell slow movingproducts. But first, why the discrepancy in the length of sales cycle? Typically, it’s because of the emotional investment the purchase
Does your customer believe you? If your customer is struggling to understand you, he doesn’t believe you. Take the ODM party and its case of muddled messaging over joining the broad (Mercy Tarus calls it, fraud) based government. Have you noticed how hard-pressed the ODM party is, to explain themselves? “Are you still in the
#adaniairportdeal, #customertrustexample, #fraudbasedgovernment, #gorutojustgo, #isodmingovernment, #morarakebasolatestvideo, #Rutofakeprojects
Are you frustrating your sales team performance? If you are a business owner or sales manager you could be doing so due to poor sales management practices. Here are four ways how that can happen and what to do about it. Setting unrealistic expectations Setting unrealistic expectations is the fastest way to burn out your