Archive for Category: Organizational Culture

What Nairobi Women’s Hospital scandal teaches us about selling

“Nairobi Women’s Hospital scandal is reminiscent of Wells Fargo. Because all the greedy bank wanted was accounts, the salespeople went into survival mode, forging customer signatures.” To begin with, what does Nairobi Women’s Hospital (NWH) have in common with Wells Fargo and Microsoft in the United States? Proof that when you run a business like

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Why regulatory intervention doesn’t boost sales

Regulatory intervention is not the problem. As the ‘Red Book’ given by Facebook to all its employees ends by saying: “If we don’t create the thing that kills Facebook, someone else will.“ Leaning on regulatory intervention to boost sales exacerbates intellectual laziness and dampens the entrepreneurial spirit. Four Thursdays ago, we posited that Telkom taking

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Company processes can protect it but impede the sale

Processes can protect but impede. You are like the self-serving Kenyan politician who will never be motivated to discuss public problems like access to medical care because he is immune to them, courtesy of his five star international medical insurance cover. You, just like him, don’t know the customer pain point. Despite the pomp and

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Adapt your presentation to respective business buyer to accelerate the sale

The tragedy of B2B selling is that, despite the tonnes of money used in the purchase, in many cases it is not the ‘best company’ or ‘best solution’ that wins the sale but rather the sales person who was able to make their value more visible to the customer. So, adapt your presentation to respective

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Selling vs Business: What the Wells Fargo scandal teaches us

CEO’s are not Sales Managers and vice versa. Company profits are not sales commissions. A business is not a sales team and fraud has no place in either. Welcome to the Wells Fargo (Bank) scandal. When you run a business the way you would a sales team, the results cannot be good. Throw ethics out

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Why you should embrace selling even if you are not a salesperson

No buyer is concerned with your product or service (yes, you too have one you are selling). Your buyers (yes, you have those too) are only interested in what your service or product can do for THEM. How will it benefit THEM? So, embrace selling even if you are not a salesperson Embrace selling even

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To transform their organizations CEOs must sell

Employees are not hugely motivated by their employer’s reasons for change. Leadership must therefore learn how to win the hearts and minds of their staff, i.e. sell to them How to sell change in an organization The greatest stumbling block to transforming an organization’s culture is this: first, it’s not seen as a sale which

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How sellers in charitable organizations can quickly embrace a commercial outlook

Trapped between charity and commerce, charitable organizations strive to embrace a quasi-commercial outlook. Therefore, it is imperative for their salespeople to morph at a faster rate. Now, it’s the USAID funding freeze, then it was the credit crunch. Maybe this time charitable organizations will pay attention. When the dire credit crunch happened in the West

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Why organizations shoot themselves in the foot in their quest to have a sales culture

The typical pyramidal organizational structure does not favour the sales orientation many organizations say they want. So these organizations shoot themselves in the foot. We shall look at two scenarios, starting with the first today and the other next week. To begin with is the organization that chooses to have a specialized sales force. Everybody

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