2025 will deliver exactly what you believe it will. What do you believe it will for you? Remember as the quote goes, “Don’t be too excited about this new year stuff. Only the calendar has changed. The spouse, job and targets remain the same.” And whereas a new year offers the opportunity for new beginnings, there’s things from last year, indeed, even beyond, that you can carry into this new one. As we say bye-bye 2024 and welcome 2025, here are 7 such, based on your (plural) reactions to them.
Your attitude will determine one of two results
Your attitude will either empower you or poison you. This is true in life as it is in sales. It was true last year, and will be this year. Your attitude will see you shrink or grow; move forward into progress or backward into oblivion. There are no half measures with attitude; only polar opposites. At any one time, you are either having an empowering one, or a disempowering one. And here’s the catch. Only you get to choose. Only you can. Read more
Drop your pride and sell to the ‘irrelevant’ too
Get off your high horse. Be discerning of where the actual sale happens and sell there too. Let not your mingling with executive power cloud your judgment. Simply because the bosses okayed it, doesn’t mean that the sale will happen. For example, simply because the CFO has OK’d its use, doesn’t mean the receptionist will prefer your PDQ machine over the competitor’s. You must sell to the receptionist too for that to happen. These seemingly minor players can make or break your sale. Read more as you say bye-bye to 2024 (and pride), and hello to 2025.
3 perennial lessons in selling from matatu crew even as you say bye-bye 2024
When you drop your pride, you realize you can learn from anyone. Even the dull and ignorant the Desiderata tells us. But the matatu driver and tout are anything, but. And if you hadn’t already, observe and learn from these three sales activities. The duo believes there is always a way. This is their attitude. Second, their independence and interdependence is to die for. If teams in the corporate world had half the synergy of the matatu driver and his tout, productivity would double. And finally, never-ending prospecting. A matatu will stop anywhere to pick, but not to drop off passengers. What about you? If you had said bye-bye to continual prospecting in 2024, Read more
Forget job titles! You grow through profitable service
Forget job titles. There is no Sales. There is no Service. So, choose wisely. There is only profitable service. Sales and service are two sides of the same customer. The purpose of business is to create and fulfil demand. Structures, culture, systems, strategy, skills, staff and management styles are all investments built for this. Therefore, irrespective of your job title-executive, managerial, contractual, supervisory or clerical- you are either creating demand and/or fulfilling it. The rest is just details. What title will you say bye-bye to in 2024? Read more
Bye-bye 2024 but never bye-bye this- that the customer is not always right
Believing the customer is always right loses you sales. Yes, you read that right. The customer is not always right! The notion that he is, could be costing you sales, and worse, you (mis) leading him down the wrong path. And when you arrive there, guess who he will blame? Yes. You. Because, whereas the customer is not always right, the customer remains king. So, help them customers make informed decisions in 2025 because they don’t always know the best course of action. Read more
Get your salespeople off the path of least resistance
Salespeople default to the path of least resistance. The easy path. It’s in their nature. Internalizing this sales psychology is critical to business owners and sales managers. Especially given that, in the quest to solve this challenge, the tendency is to throw money at it. “We will just increase the commissions,” you’ll hear it said. But as we’ve shared here before, money is not a sliver bullet to motivating sales people. Remember this as you say bye-bye 2024. And read more
Sales and Operations will continue fighting in 2025 as they did 2024
“Sales gets the glory, yet support gets the job done,” is the attitude of staff in operations. And, “We bring in the ‘dough’. Without us you wouldn’t exist,” is the attitude of staff in Sales. Business owners and executives should not only be aware of this inevitable and toxic dynamic but address it too. Here are four ways how some resolve Sales and Operations fights. As for sales people get on the program. That fight isn’t ending this year, nor the next. So, here’s why you should sell internally and externally.
Bye-bye 2024, hello 2025
“You don’t need a new year or a new day to start over. You only need a new mindset.” As you embrace 2025, remember to carry forward the lessons and strategies that worked for you last year. Success in sales is about evolving with purpose while staying grounded in proven principles. “You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind if you leave it behind.” So, will you make 2025 your best sales year yet?
Check out our short courses and other services here. Or, if you would like to have your sales team sell more, we can help. In order for us to do so we propose a free consultation meeting or a call. If in agreement please complete the form below and we will get in touch after receiving your details, none of which will be public. Thank you.
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