Archive for Author: LMYE Writer

Get your salespeople off the path of least resistance

Salespeople default to the path of least resistance. The easy path. It’s in their nature. Internalizing this sales psychology is critical to business owners and sales managers. Especially given that, in the quest to solve this challenge, the tendency is to throw money at it. “We will just increase the commissions,” you’ll hear it said.

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Invest more in sales relationships than processes

invest in sales relationships. Here’s why. Towards the end of last year, my bank wrote to me. Like the two years running before then, I was being invited to take up yet another 30% increase on my credit card limit. This third invite would effectively more than double the limit I had started off with.

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Don’t overthink it! You sell in your social interactions

Don’t overthink it. At the end of the day, selling is a basic human interaction. You are selling as you go about your social interactions online and offline. It is the imagination that it’s not, that magnifies a molehill into a mountain in your mind; it’s the unnecessary painstaking analysis that freezes you in a

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Open letter to seller wanting to be sales manager

RE: Salesperson wanting to be sales manager Dear Salesman, So you want that sales manager’s job because, “He doesn’t have to sell”, or, because, “He earns a much bigger salary”; well, read this. Sales management calls for different qualities from selling. Take resilience and selflessness. Salesperson why do you want to become a sales manager?

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When a product is launched you must still sell it

When a product is launched, it must still be sold. Salespeople that look to the launch as a salesperson are quickly disappointed by the dismal results they get. Product launches are a marketing, not sales tool. Yes there’s a yawning difference between marketing and sales. Marketing, usually remotely, creates awareness to attract; selling personally engages

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Answer a question with a question and close faster

A good sales person will answer a question with a question. For example, completely out of the blue, the buyer says, “Can you give us a discount?” The seasoned seller curiously but firmly asks, “Why?” Here’s another non-sales example: “Should we hold the Parents Day in the afternoon or morning?” the principal asks the School’s

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.