Why is the sales cycle called, well, a cycle? Yet, it’s anything, but? A cycle implies a circle. Incredibly smooth and perfectly round. But, in practice, there’s nothing smooth nor round about the sales cycle is there? The movement from point A to Z and back to A is so erratic it surely cannot be
Shame on you for doing this! You should be thrown in a dungeon and the key thrown away. Shame on you, employer, for refusing to pay sales commissions rightfully earned. Three salesmen I know faced the same predicament from their respective well known employers. One sold and leased cars. Let’s call him Juma. Juma, bagged
RE: Salesperson wanting to be sales manager Dear Salesman, So you want that sales manager’s job because, “He doesn’t have to sell”, or, because, “He earns a much bigger salary”; well, read this. Sales management calls for different qualities from selling. Take resilience and selflessness. Salesperson why do you want to become a sales manager?
When a product is launched, it must still be sold. Salespeople that look to the launch as a salesperson are quickly disappointed by the dismal results they get. Product launches are a marketing, not sales tool. Yes there’s a yawning difference between marketing and sales. Marketing, usually remotely, creates awareness to attract; selling personally engages
A good sales person will answer a question with a question. For example, completely out of the blue, the buyer says, “Can you give us a discount?” The seasoned seller curiously but firmly asks, “Why?” Here’s another non-sales example: “Should we hold the Parents Day in the afternoon or morning?” the principal asks the School’s
If you are slowing down or stagnated in your sales, you likely don’t have goals. Yes, yes, I know. You’ve heard about the importance of goal setting a million times before. But are you doing it? That you are hearing it for the nth time does not make it tired, it makes it true. If
#importanceofgoalssetting, #realisticssalesgoals, #salesgoals2023, #startstopcontinueexamplesworkplace, #topsalesgoals, #whatisagoodsalesgoal, #whysetsalestargets
2023 is here. As a business what’s your plan? Sales kickoffs are a proven way to, well, kick off your sales with a bang, organization-wide,. Sales Kickoffs are also called Sales Summits or Sales Conferences. A Sales Kickoff is an annually held, premier, must-attend, organizational event; even the CEO and his executive team are present.
2022 will be over in another 10 days. Bye bye 2022. Sales Pitch! takes a break till 2023 and leaves you with these parting shots. Will our Christmas tradition as Kenyans be maintained this year? Will yours? Find out here. Indeed, are you Kenyan enough? Read: Bye-bye 2023. Out with the old, in with the
Brace yourself during the upcoming season of festivities. You may be called upon to get on stage and address an audience. This could be your company, or home estate, end of year party, a family gathering, graduation, best man at a wedding, or a church congregation. How do you do it? How do you give
Avoid losing control the sale. In fact, never do so. Strive to lead the sale. There are many levels of control where selling is concerned but I’ll limit myself to one; the sales person-prospect engagement; that is, the salesperson-prospect conversation in sales. Other types of sales controls rotate around the sales process, system and management.