Archive for Author: lmye-admin

Confidently turn your product flaws into selling points. Here’s how to

How can you confidently believe in your product when it seems to fall short compared to the competition’s? Well, by noting the operational word in that concern: seems. Meaning, the key lies in shifting your perspective from perceived flaws. This article shows you how to address your product’s flaws. Why? Because, what you see as

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Close, collect and confirm your way to a fruitful selling in December

Close. Collect. Confirm. These are the 3 sales activities you should engage in. If you are to be productive, selling in December. December is a month like any other, but only on paper. We joke about the 31 days of January feeling like 90. There is no joke, however, about December. With the festive mood

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Church vs State: What to do when your advocate turns against you

What do you do when your most influential advocate turns against you? Churches were the cornerstone platform on which the current administration rode to power. And, as per the last census, with 84% of the population professing Christianity, you must admire the genius behind the strategy. For example, Catholic and Presbyterian Church of East Africa

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Here’s how to align your sales lead conversion rate, with reality

“I need a salesperson that can sell. I generate leads for my team but their conversion is poor. Out of 100 leads they have converted only 3. I need a more exciting dashboard to look at. It also costs getting and converting each of these leads. That’s why I need a salesperson that can sell.

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Quit limiting your success by selling just one product. Here’s how.

Why do you settle on selling only one product? Unlock your sales potential and maximize your sales. Why do you sell only one product? Sell more than one. As you think through that, (as you tafakari hayo), see what these 5 smart salespeople are doing different. Then expand your sales game. The informal seller’s approach:

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Even in this Gen Z led world, use cold calling shamelessly. Here’s how

Is cold calling dead? The short, surprising answer to most sales people, is no. Does cold calling work? Oh, yes. This is the cold truth. Cold calling is alive and kicking; hale and hearty. And it is ruthlessly efficient. But first, what is cold calling? Cold calling involves sales people reaching out to potential customers

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To close with confidence, repeat back the problem to the customer

It is not enough to think you’ve understood the customer’s problem. No. Repeat the problem back to him to confirm. Miscommunication costs, not just immediate, but future sales and, unfortunately, trust. “I want a kioo in my cars (lifts),” so the mzungu prospect told the lift selling company salesperson. They had a good laugh at

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Use the power of reframing as a catalyst for your sales success

Just by changing the frame of a picture, you make it look different. Try it. Easier still, watch the same video on your phone, in landscape then portrait- it’s a completely different experience. And that’s what reframing is. In sales it means getting the customer to see the same thing in a different frame of

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Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world with Lend Me Your Ears. It’s Free! Most sales newsletters offer tips on “What” to do. But, rarely do they provide insight on exactly “How” to do it. Without the “How” newsletters are a waste of time.