To sell successfully, take care of demand, supply will follow. The most successful business owners and sales people don’t just push products—they create demand, and therefore, sales, in ways others never imagined. These 3 sales and business success stories showcase real-life examples how. From manufacturing demand before a product even existed to turning a cattle
The following illustration of how to become creative in selling, happened to a salesman in a multinational FMCG firm. The product he was selling was tea in a sachet. His first quarter sales were nothing to write home about. In fact, they were pathetic. The heat of disapproval from the sales manager was getting intensely
How does creativity contribute to sales success? How do you become creative in selling? Well, lets learn from these three sellers. Creativity in sales by reframing The owner of the construction was going into depression. He had miscalculated the cost of the construction and now was stuck with several units none of which were finished.
“Even in Coronavirus uncertainty, If business unfolded In real life as it does on Microsoft Excel, then everyone would be in business.” Planning is a science. Implementation is an art. This was true ‘BC’ (Before Corona) and is truer in these times of uncertainty we are in. Unfortunately, most sellers interpret uncertainty to mean, “Why
Creativity is not nailing it with every experiment; it’s always trying new ways to experiment. Like these 4 sellers I watched as she stood at the parking ticket dispenser dispensing for, and presenting tickets to, drivers as they drove into the mall. Adorned with an infectious smile, she presented the ticket, and a flyer. You