Archive for Category: Objections

Scientific Sellers must Adopt Artistic Skills for Successful Closes

1+1=2 is scientific. When selling, the answer depends on how the question is perceived. As such it could be an is equal to sign, or the number eleven, or two ones, or… Selling is not a science. This is what sellers that are scientists (app developers, crop consultants, engineers, IT experts, even accountants) quickly and

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Busy Yourself With Customer Facing Activities, That Make Sales

Prospecting is the cornerstone of successful selling. No, it is not closing. To close, there must first be a prospect…however, closing is the ultimate activity for making the sale. No, your sales job is not as overwhelming as you make it out to be. “What with doing reports, calling, replying to emails, prospecting, attending meetings,

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How to handle the price objection without compromising the sale

“Price is objective; value is subjective. Success in selling lays in marrying the two” “How much?” Crunch time in selling and sheer agony for many sellers. Is there a perfect way to deal with this objection? Unless you’re the sole vendor of the must have product (electricity, KPLC, for instance), no there isn’t. Price can

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Negotiations key to securing value for buyer, seller

Negotiations are key to securing value with the customer. Here’s an example how. The other day I couldn’t get a head massage at my barber’s because the masseuse wasn’t in. So I asked him for the refund equivalent. I laughed at his witty response: “To compensate, next time you’ll get a longer massage.” And just

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