Remarkable, isn’t it? The sales lessons you can learn from street vendors. Remarkable because we don’t see them in the same light we do formal sellers, whom we call professional, organized. I’d already shared a similar post here, but an experience from last weekend informs this article. In fact, it informed not just sales, but
Convert internal training to customer understanding to thrive in selling. Why? Because, unfortunately, internal professional sales trainings programs, are company, not customer, focused. They focus inward, not outward. They focus on the science of the product, not art of selling it. Companies engage in sales training to empower their front line. If only companies knew
Make a customer not a sale. Lessons from landlords, private schools and the matatu crew Tenants, parents and passengers. Do you suppose those that sell to them have ever seen them as customers? Those that sell to them are, respectively, landlords, schools and the matatu crew. Do you suppose an upside to this pandemic will
Selling dos and don’ts in this pandemic. Only three months ago, online learning was all the rage. Now parents aren’t sure whether they want to continue with it, or wait for January Here are three selling activities sellers can salvage, or activate sales with, in this pandemic. Spell it out. The first of the selling