Go all out to remedy any maladies in securing customer Don’t just sit there. Act! Action is the sure cure for all sales maladies born out of worry. “He still hasn’t given me copies of his ID and payslip, and he refuses to submit them for me to do the copies and return them. That’s
The tragedy of the average corporate exhibition stand is that it is manned by a ‘supermarket cashier’. And its intended objectives and investment are lost…Your branch and stand are both your corporate outlets. However, potential visitors to your stand are rarely in ‘buy mode’. So how do you Sell at the exhibition stand? Read on
Customers will buy from you even when they don’t feel good about you, only because they have no option. Kenya Power with its growing customer dissatisfaction index is a classic example. Let’s cut to the chase. Customers buy for two reasons only: solutions to problems and good feelings. The former is objective, the latter subjective.
Sellers who focus negotiating to price only, limit themselves and lose the opportunity to show value-especially with new business. “Give us a discount. We are giving you 500 salespeople to train.” Contrary to popular belief, this is not an open and shut case of obvious discount from bulk business. Instead, it’s an opportunity to negotiate.
If the sale is to succeed, the presentation must be tweaked appropriately for content, style and duration. So, adjust your presentation across the hierarchy. To begin with, picture this. You tell your finance or managing director that, “Reconciliations are not being done correctly in the accounts department.” Likely, he irritatingly wonders, worse, for you, angrily
#C-suiteselling, #KONElift, #Solaitragedy
Buyer behaviour, Communication breakdown, Features vs Benefits
Regulatory intervention is not the problem. As the ‘Red Book’ given by Facebook to all its employees ends by saying: “If we don’t create the thing that kills Facebook, someone else will.“ Leaning on regulatory intervention to boost sales exacerbates intellectual laziness and dampens the entrepreneurial spirit. Four Thursdays ago, we posited that Telkom taking
airtel nyweee, Facebook scandal Kenya Election, interoperability telkom, Marine insurance regulation Kenya
Guide to a close with assurance. “Kujaribu ni bure” (Try it on for free); and being human, the lady might say, “Thanks, but I’m not buying”. The inexperienced seller will be sold on this and say, “Hata kesho ni siku”. Not the experienced one… If you don’t close the buyer on why he should, he’ll
How really is Telkom’s T-Kash different from ubiquitous, evolving M-PESA? And how is it different from struggling Airtel Money? And is M-PESA really the problem? I don’t think so. So Telkom Kenya wants a piece of the ‘mobile money’ pie with T-kash. That pie is so near, yet so far. And, if approached in the
And many formal sellers (consultants, for instance) would be happy to charge, than show you, how to resolve a problem you can, yourself. I love my plumber. As for my (former) mechanic, not so much. Twice my plumber has refused a job, instead insisting that I resolve it myself. No, he wasn’t being rude; just
With all its unexpected objections, aborted meetings and painful rejections, selling can be very frustrating…but blaming your customers for your inability to sell is the beginning of your end. Today I wish to share and interpret some of my favourite quotes in a bid to spur your selling in 2018. “You are serving a customer,