Despite sellers being largely (almost solely) to blame for the mistrust of salespeople, ironically it is still sellers who can mend it. After all, every product or service must be sold. Get over the buyer’s caution. It’s not personal. But still, take it personally. Confused? Read on. To begin with, the first reaction by the
As long as access to information is lopsided to the seller’s advantage, buyer-beware will still trump. With information access being equal, seller-beware comes to the fore. The terrorist attack in Garissa was followed globally as it was happening, yet newspaper sales are on the decline. How? 21st C readers prefer other ways of consuming news.
Garissa Terrorist Attack, How the Internet has disrupted selling, Selling In The Internet Information Age, Terrorism in Kenya, To Sell Is Human
The internet has changed selling as we knew it. How things change. There was a time when the travel agency was the custodian of all information travel. And airlines and tour companies were at its mercy. Information on where to go; how to get there; how much to pay to get there; when to go
Disruptive Selling, How Internet has affected selling, How the Internet has disrupted selling, The death of the Travel Agent