Keep your emotions in check even when sure it’s a close

There are several reasons for a prospect to show interest in your product. Whatever his reasons, they are a shield protecting him from your emotionally driven onslaught, while still allowing him to use you to get information for free. So, keep your emotions in check.

Sales happen on the emotional – not logical – platform, yet both are necessary for a successful sale. Many sellers though get drunk on emotion too soon and lose the sale. What do I mean? When a buyer says, “I’ve a got a problem with…” or “We are looking at…”. Or he says, “I’m thinking of…”, the inclination of the average seller is to think, “Aha! I’ve got a live one here”. And thus easily gets dragged along by the buyer. Buyers know that the richest source of free, up-to-date information about a product is the seller. And so, to get information, they will keep him hooked with questions focusing on the inanimate product features. That way the buyer remains sober but the baited seller is drunk in the hope of an immediate sale.

Knowledge never sold

And so, in a stupor of blind hope, he proficiently responds to each question with the speed of a Google search, believing that the show of (industry or product) knowledge will reel in the buyer. It doesn’t. In fact, he walks away with a ‘thank you’ at best, leaving you dejected. You got emotionally sold to hope too soon. Knowledge never sold. Keep your emotions in check.

The progressive seller knows better. There may be several reasons for the prospect’s opening remarks, “I’ve a got a problem with” or “We are looking at”. The prospect may be gathering information, still undecided if he is even going to buy anything. Or he may be trying to justify keeping a current provider by getting another bid or two to demonstrate due diligence. He may also have just been promoted and is seeking to impress his boss with knowledge of your products/services which they use or need. Whatever his reasons, they are a shield protecting him from your emotionally driven onslaught while still allowing him to use you to get information for free. He is therefore highly unlikely to reveal them.

Infuse emotion into facts

To be fair though, many times buyers will browse a book, or electronics shop, and ask questions about the features of a product without intending to buy on the spot but at a later date. Experienced attendants will thus put emotion into the interaction, and not the immediate sale. They want you to leave with a good emotional experience for it is this, (and not the bland features you were asking about), that will bring you back to buy when you are ready to do so. “He really took his time to explain to me” or “They ignored me” or “She had such an inviting smile”, are the reasons that will drive you back (or not).

Keep your emotions in check

Keep your emotions in check. If in doubt tilt the balance

What if you suspect you’re being dragged along? Well, tilt the balance and put some emotion in the equation. Explore through questions. What are some of the things you want the iPad to do? Qualify the prospect – Who else will be involved in the decision to buy this equipment? Or, seek mutual ground – Let me show you how we see the relationship working then share your opinion.

When the seller at the clothes stall says, “Kujaribu ni bure” (it’s free to test/try) what he is doing is converting a logical discussion into an emotional one while still remaining sober about it. And notice the non-pressure, non-committal sales tactic employed: “it’s free; try it out.” He knows that dwelling on the features of the dress or shirt won’t get you to buy as fast as seeing and feeling yourself in it.

Desist from getting sold to hope too soon. Many are the times it backfires on you. Keep your emotions in check.

Check out our short courses and other services here. If you would like to have your sales team sell more, we can help. In order for us to do so we propose a free consultation meeting or a call. If in agreement please complete the form below and we will get in touch after receiving your details, none of which will be public. Thank you.

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