Acknowledge, stoop to conquer and engage, for juicy dividends Whether you are in direct selling or not, there are several non-selling actions you make, or don’t, that get, or lose, you the sale. These go beyond the seasonal and traditional marketing merchandise and birthday/anniversary gifts. Here are three such. Acknowledgement The most fundamental need for
To increase its chances of success, the entry level for the Business-to-Business (B2B) sale must be high….The beginning of a successful sale to a buyer who feels inferior, or has a pre-conceived bias against you, is triggered by the seller presenting himself as non-threatening. When you must have someone sell for you ‘internally’ (to his
Conflict resolution in South Sudan, Secrets to Winning the B2B sale, tenants wanted property on sale in Kenya
Human Interaction, Managing Sales Process, Relationship Building
With intense emotion fused into the day, logic is suffocated, need becomes craving, and price is deemed irrelevant All logic will go out the window this Valentine’s Day. A stem of rose that usually sells for 10 shillings and carries over to the next day unsold, will sell for ten times more and run out
If business unfolded in real life as it does on Excel, everyone would be a businessman…and if selling were the only skill necessary for the business to thrive, the salesperson would have it easy. What irony! Many employees shun sales, yet all who start their side hustle or outright business crave it. One would therefore
Buyers are like patients. Assuming they know the root cause of their problems leads to a misdiagnosis; a hit-and-run One of the most self-defeating assumptions sellers make is that the buyer has all the answers about his business. Well, breaking news: he doesn’t. It is because of this assumption that many sellers simply hit-and-run. They
Changing trends in sales, How the Digital Disruption has Affected Selling, How to Follow Up Without Irritating, How to Sell to CEOs, Selling to the C-Suite
Seeing as life gives us lemons in the name of incessant traffic, instead of complaining, why not break out the tequila and salt by constructively tapping into hawking? Hawking must be the most effective sales distribution system we have in Kenya, if not Africa. Yet, its full potential is yet to be tapped. If anything,
Creating an Effective Distribution System, Hawking in Kenya, How to become Innovative, Innovations in Africa
Gossip sells. Possibly this is the reason why some sellers assume it’ll work for them. What they forget is that gossip sells in ‘hiding’ and where there is no ownership-not out in the open. Pitching to a buyer by rubbishing another is counterproductive. If we cut to the chase, it’s basic gossip. It manifests itself
Why did we buy Jadudi’s sale? For those coming in late, Emmanuel Jadudi is a 3rd year University student who appealed for funds to remove a recurring cancerous brain tumor. He sent his appeal via Instagram to (Saturday Nation) columnist Jackson Biko, who in turn, via his award winning blog, reached out to Kenyans who
Alan Barnes, award wining blog, Biko, Crowd funding, Gerry Loughran, Goliath, Jadudi, Katie Cutler, Marketing, MPesa, Red Cross, Safaricom, Westgate
“Build bridges instead of walls. Bridges rhyme with the fluidity of human interaction; walls, don’t” Unfortunately, in the process of human interaction (selling),we build walls instead of bridges. Sometimes because we are human; sometimes because we are inexperienced and, sometimes, though regrettably, because we are indifferent. This article is not for the indifferent; depleting sales
Fighting to be in a scoring position will mean letting go of sales sometimes. Which is fine if that was the only way to assist the buyer get what he needs. “Always fight to be in a scoring position.” So, a Director of Business Development reader friend of mine used to tell the players of