Archive for Category: Communication breakdown

Avoid using the word ‘convenient’ while selling

Avoid using the word ‘convenient’ when selling. Let it come from the buyer. Strive instead to get the buyer to vividly visualize how your product solves his problem. The word ‘convenient’ when selling is anything but. Using the word ‘convenient’ when selling could be losing you sales. First, the definition, which the dictionary gives as,

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Stretch the buyer’s pain to help them see the need to buy

The natural reaction to pain is to avoid it and the average seller does this in an attempt to be nice. Progressive sellers on the other hand have no qualms stretching the buyer’s pain In the counter terrorism hit series 24, protagonist Jack Bauer uses pain to acquire information. When a villain has a wound,

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Align your objectives to buyer’s for a faster close

Aligning (instead of conflicting) your objectives to that of the buyer, will more likely progress the sale to fruition, faster. What’s the objective of a client meeting? The average seller will dismissively say, “Duh! To make a sale, of course.” The same question to the buyer will yield this sombre response: “To get information”. Conflicting

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How to avoid communication breakdown while selling

Avoid communication breakdown. “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. (George Bernard Shaw) Generally, in life, this predicament is the cause of many arguments; specifically, in selling, it is the cause of many lost sales. One of the exercises we do is my sessions has all the delegates

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