Personal branding Masterclass Training

Personal Branding MasterClass

If you are looking for our two day Personal Effectiveness Training, click here or contact us for a free consultation. If, however, you are looking for our one-on-one Personal Branding Masterclass Training, read on.

Professional Personal Branding MasterClass

Employment, business and entrepreneurship success is all about YOUR promise. Giving it, living it and getting paid for it.” This quote embodies the importance and objectives of personal branding. It is distinct from, yet similar to, business, company, or corporate branding. In this digital era we live in, corporations can benefit from Personal branding training in Kenya through (typically, select, high performing) staff, empowered with, and living, personal branding.

Therefore, if you have promising staff earmarked for accelerated career progression; or you are seeking to enrich your pre-management development program of jobs; your management trainee program or training, then this Professional Personal Branding MasterClass course in Kenya can help. Contact us for a free consultation or read on.

About personal branding training and the program

To begin with, our Professional Personal branding MasterClass training program begins with a comprehensive Personal Brand Inventory of the select high-potential staff’s personality distinctiveness, that the management values enough to pay for. It is geared toward setting up the participant on the path to accelerated career success; matching inborn personality tendencies to career and managerial success.

Next and without getting too much into the abc’s, and do’s and don’ts of personal branding, suffice it to say, that a brand is a promise, as expert marketers tell us. A brand speaks before it has spoken, for its reputation precedes it. In addition, just as with animal branding, arguably, the history of branding, a brand is an identify; a mark of ownership. Such is the power and meaning of a brand. Fortunately, unlike animal branding which hurts, personal branding doesn’t do so humans,

Further, a brand is how consumers of it have it positioned in their mind; and that can be largely shaped by what, the product (person in this case) projects. Just as with executive presence, this is the unique value proposition of personal branding; that is, strategic self-marketing. This is why good personal branding is essential to career success, and its advantages are plain to see. As with a business or product brand, living positive personal branding dramatically increases the things you can do; conversely, negative or bad personal branding limits them.

Who needs personal branding?

This Professional Personal-brand coaching MasterClass is designed for the strategic person who positively has an inborn gift to realize and share. If you have staff you have eyed for promotion, jobs than can be enriched with personal branding, staff on track for partner in your law firm, employees chartered a career path for, look promising, or are outright management trainees, and could do with moulding, this revolutionary must-experience program will help. This is because it will guide them on this journey.  As it will you, if you are wondering how to build your personal branding. (You may like our New Managers Training course)

What does a personal branding coach do?

The program is a journey of self-awareness; it includes eight-sessions full of proven interventions, and conducted by a certified life coach with vast success coaching experience, both one-on-one and in workshop settings.  The Lead coach, who co-ordinates the program, is an experienced organizational psychologist with a decade of exposure working with clients to realize personal breakthroughs in emotional intelligence, intellectual, independence, people skills (relevant to networking) and self-esteem.

How does the professional Personal Branding MasterClass unfold?

First off, though it does have a lesson plan and worksheet, this Master Class is not a class in the conventional sense of the word. So, no, there is no use of ppts and templates in the one-on-one coaching sessions, spanning 8 sessions across 10 weeks. Starting with an intake session comprising completion of a personal branding questionnaire the chosen participant  then begins his or her 8 session journey.

The Personal-Brand coaching sessions are conducted either at the client’s location of choice, our offices, in-person (preferably) or on-line. Each session is 1½ – 2 hours, and is followed-up with at least 3-day (ideally 1 week) interval during which set goals or targets are reached in preparation for the next level. The client is provided with the Personal-Brand Coaching Inventory at the 8th session for review purposes and a certificate.

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Structure and Topics

The Personal Branding MasterClass training includes best practices, examples and emerging trends for Personal branding. It begins with an intake session explaining the Importance of personal branding and completion of questionnaire with discussion questions.

Overview: Sessions 1 through 8 explore step by step the Key elements of Personal Branding

  • Session 1. Orientation and overview; including the LifeStyle Index assessment and results translation for the client.
  • Session 2. Personal and Public Value; (Self –awareness journey begins) natural internal and external filters. Identifying inborn tendencies to regulate feelings or thinking as well as extraversion and introversion styles. Categorization of frequent acquaintances according to their personal and public value.
  • Session 3. Personal-Brand; combining personal and public value. Self-appreciation, self-confidence and lifestyle alignment. Correlation between success and concrete personal-brand, suitable role models.
  • Session 4-7. Examining the 4 distinct personal brands, skills and qualities
  • Session 8. Personal-Brand positioning and tool-kit: Occupation alignment. Synergization of contacts. Creating a personal ecology and statement.

There are ideally one week intervals between sessions for execution of activities and action plans of personal branding.  Ideal total duration is thus 10 weeks.

About the Lead Coach, Personal Branding MasterClass

The lead coach has a Masters in Applied psychology (HRM specialization) and is an undergraduate in Psychology, Sociology and Political Science. He is a certifies NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Practitioner and member of Kenya Institute of Management (KIM).   The lead coach is also organizational psychologist. For over a decade, he has focused on empowering people in educational institutions and corporate organizations to perform at their very best. He is also an adjunct lecturer in psychology across leading universities including United States International University, USIU.  Indeed, he co-created, along with fellow Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), the Bachelor of Development Studies (BDS) curriculum for Management University of Africa (MUA), as well as streamlining the syllabus content based on the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for specific university courses at USIU, Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), Kenyatta University, JKUAT, Mount Kenya University (MKU) among others.

Further, he has headed the Product Development department in diverse institutions fine-tuning and developing curriculum for products focusing on corporate intervention for the short term and long term programs (such as the Corporate Culture Transformations). He has also authored several thought-provoking Corporate Transformation articles in the Business Daily (the leading business daily in East Africa). His first book “Healthy Dependency – Your Secret to Youthful Success” was published in December, 2012.

What next? Your free consultation

First, in order for us to understand your business and the type of personal branding or two-day personal effectiveness training you want, we propose a free consultation. This can be a meeting or a call.

Next, the meeting will be a discussion on your company, the gaps you are currently facing and would like filled. And also, what you are looking for in an ideal personal branding or personal effectiveness course in Kenya. And, further, any other information that can help us develop an effective personal branding training, for you. 

Therefore, please fill in your details in the form below and we will get in touch after receiving your details.

Finally, remember to indicate your mobile number. We guarantee you a prompt response. 

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