Customer service week: three quotes to guide your sales success

Customer Service Week 2024 comes up from 7th October. As business owners and sales professionals prepare to engage with customers, here are three Customer Service Week quotes to keep in mind during, and especially outside the week.

“You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work.”

Sales and customer service can sometimes feel like a never-ending grind. However, this quote is a reminder that serving customers is an opportunity, not a burden. Embracing this mindset can radically improve your approach to customer engagement. Studies show that 73% of customers remain loyal to companies that have friendly employees and great customer service.

Borrow from the enthusiasm of informal sellers, “Karibu jeans“they will welcome you. Or the matatu tout who woos the lady passenger, “Umekaa smart leo,” and smitten by the attention she boards the vehicle.. Consider a sales team at a retail store in Nairobi, overwhelmed by high foot traffic during the holiday season. Instead of seeing each customer as another hurdle, the team embraces the opportunity to create memorable experiences. The result? Increased sales and positive customer reviews.

Approaching service with enthusiasm doesn’t just benefit the customer—it boosts morale and drives business success.

“Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Humanize the customer engagement. No matter how skilled or knowledgeable you are as a salesperson, empathy is what truly wins the customer’s heart. One report revealed that 84% of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important to winning their business.

Take a doctor’s approach. Understand the customer need and say enough just to prescribe (close). Imagine a situation where a tech-savvy salesperson at an electronics shop in Kisumu overwhelms a customer with jargon about the latest smartphones. The customer looks lost and disengaged. Now, compare this to another scenario where the salesperson asks the customer about their specific needs—whether they prioritize camera quality or battery life—and then recommends a product that best fits those preferences. By showing genuine care for the customer’s needs, the salesperson builds trust and closes the sale.

Customer service week quotes

“Customer service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job”

This quote highlights a fundamental principle in business: delivering excellent service is a shared responsibility across the organization. The customer’s experience with your organization is not limited to a department. It is affected by all points of contact, including his experience with your app or website. “On par, I prefer dealing with Bank X not Y because X makes it easy to access my statements. I just log in and the flexibility and user friendliness is unbelievable. Y has most other functions but accessing them is full of friction.” That was shared by a business owner.

Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or product development, every interaction matters. Customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience and will leave you because of a poor one. Equity Bank dignified the hitherto un-bankable and they stay on despite it being among the more expensive banks, Safaricom services are comparatively not the cheapest but on the whole proide a much better customer experience. But as the competition with Starlink (offering a better experience) heats up the loyal customers are proving not to be so loyal,

Customer service week quotes: Turning Words into Actions

As Customer Service Week 2024 approaches, these quotes offer timeless wisdom for sales professionals and business owners alike. Whether it’s embracing the opportunity to serve customers with energy, demonstrating empathy, or ensuring that everyone is committed to great service, applying these principles can elevate your sales and improve customer loyalty. Are you treating customer service as a temporary effort, or are you making it a lasting cornerstone of your business?

Have a friction free Customer Service Week!

Read: Make a customer not a sale; here’s why

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